Dao: A Journal of
Comparative Philosophy, is a publication sponsored by the Association of Chinese Philosophers
in America and the Philosophy Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, suppoerted by the Center for the Study of East Asian Civilizations
of National Taiwan University. It aims to serve as a bridge between Chinese and non-Chinese
philosophies and philosophers. It welcomes submissions from philosophers of all
ethnic groups. The Journal is dedicated to publishing quality articles and book
reviews in comparative studies of Chinese philosophy and any other philosophical
traditions in the world, including but not limited to Western philosophy,
Islamic philosophy, African philosophy, Indian philosophy, Japanese philosophy,
and Korean philosophy, in any philosophical disciplines, including but not
limited to metaphysics, epistemology, logic and philosophy of language, ethics,
social and political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy
of history, and philosophy of mind, as well as articles on theories and
methodologies of comparative philosophy.
All submissions to the
Journal are blind-reviewed. At least two specialists, in addition to the editor,
will read and evaluate each submission. Normally authors may expect to hear from
the editor about the suitability of their submissions for publication in the
Journal within two months. The publisher holds the copyright of the articles
published in the Journal. All submissions should be sent to: Dr. HUANG Yong,
Department of Philosophy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; email:
tel. (852) 3943-9678; fax: (852) 2603-5323.
encourage electronic submission through e-mail attachments. Submissions of hard copies should be accompanied
by a disk copy saved in Word format. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout, in the main text and in the
apparatus, using normal fonts, and, in general, should not exceed 30 pages, excluding
bibliography. The journal adopts the Chicago Manual of Style (14th
edition), using author-date system with a bibliography at the end. Explanatory
footnotes rather than endnotes are adopted. Use Hanyu pingyin for proper names of Chinese persons, places,
publishers, etc., followed by their original Chinese characters. Special Chinese
philosophical terms, as well as the titles of Chinese publications, should be
translated into English, followed by their original Chinese characters. For
details, refer to the
Sheet page of this site.
will be sent to authors, and should be corrected and returned to the our
publisher promptly. Major alterations to the text cannot be
accepted at that time. Upon publication, 20 off-prints and a complete copy of
the relevant issue will be supplied free to each author of an article; a copy of the
whole relevant issue will be supplied free to each author of a book review.
Additional copies may be purchased and should be ordered when the proofs are