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香港中文大學哲學系中國哲學與文化研究中心、新亞研究所及新亞書院謹定於2018年12月5至7日合辦「靈根自植之後——紀念唐君毅先生逝世四十周年」國際學術會議。上世紀60年代,唐君毅先生先後發表〈說中華民族之花果飄零〉、〈花果飄零與靈根自植〉等文章,呼籲華夏民族子孫應自信自守其文化價值;大半世紀過去,傳統中華文化之恢復雖方興未艾,卻仍險阻重重。時值 唐先生逝世四十周年,是次會議召開之目的,固希望就此課題之前沿研究能作進一步交流攻錯。會議將以中、英雙語進行,與會學者可就下列子題進行析論:
1. 唐君毅哲學
2. 唐君毅對中國哲學的詮釋
3. 傳統中國文化的現代重建
4. 傳統中國文化的現代重建
5. 人文精神與當今世界

The Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture of the Philosophy Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, and New Asia College of the CUHK will jointly organize “‘Self-Planting of Spiritual Roots’ and After: International Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Tang Junyi” on December 5–7 (Wednesday to Friday), 2018.

In the 1960s, Mr. Tang Junyi published “On the Drifting Away of Chinese Culture” (說中華民族之花果飄零) and “The Drifting Away [of Chinese Culture] and the Self-planting of Spiritual Roots” (花果飄零與靈根自植), calling on all Chinese people to have faith in and hold fast to Chinese cultural values. Traditional Chinese culture has experienced a flourishing revival in the past five decades or so—but not without obstacles.

2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Mr. Tang. We organize this conference to commemorate his death on the one hand, and to push forward the research frontier of Tang’s notions of cultural revival on the other through stimulating intellectual exchange and lively dialogue. The official languages of the conference will be Chinese and English. Subthemes of the conference include:
- The philosophy of Tang Junyi;
- Tang Junyi’s interpretations on Chinese philosophy;
- Tang Junyi’s interpretations on Chinese culture;
- Modern reconstruction of traditional Chinese culture; and
- The humanistic spirit and contemporary world.



香港中文大學 哲學系 中國哲學與文化研究中心