

2009-2010 | 上學期
T 05; H 03-04; Tuto
TCW 201; TSA

PHI 1310 Logic
A Tentative Course syllabus

Course Content*

I. Introduction

‧ Reasoning, inference, and argument

‧ Deduction and induction

‧ Truth, validity, and soundness

‧ The value of formal logic


II. Propositional Logic

‧ The formal language PL

‧ Truth-functionality, sequent, and validity

‧ Natural deduction

‧ Truth-trees

‧ Proving invalidity


III. Predicate Logic

‧ The formal language of QL

‧ Names, predication and quantification

‧ Relations and identity

‧ Proof-construction in QL

‧ Trees for QL

‧ Existence and descriptions

‧ Polyadic QL and the undecidability of first order logic


IV. Induction

‧ Distinguishing induction and deduction

‧ Types of inductive arguments

‧ Inductive probability


V. Fallacies and Informal Logic

‧ Informal logic and pragmatics

‧ Formal fallacies

‧ Informal fallacies


*subject to change in details



The grading of the course will be based on the following:

‧ Tutorials participation and assignments

‧ A number of quizzes

Bibliography :

  1. Irving Copi & Carl Cohen, Introduction to Logic, 11 th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998
  2. Richard Jeffrey, Formal Logic , 2 nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1989.
  3. Paul Tomassi, Logic , Routledge, 1999.
  4. Greg Restall, Logic: An Introduction , Routledge, 2006.
  5. Wesley Salmon, Logic , Prentice Hall, 1963.
  6. Jerry Cederblom and David W. Paulsen, Critical Reasoning , 3 rd ed., Wadsworth, 1991.
  7. Jaako Hintikka and James Bachman, What If…?: Toward Excellence in Reasoning , Mayfield, 1991.
  8. Peter Strawson, Introduction to Logical Theory , Methuen, 1952.
  9. Paul Tidman and Howard Kahane, Logic and Philosophy , 8 th ed., Wadsworth, 1999.
  10. Douglas N. Walton, Informal Logic , Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  11. 李天命 : 李天命的思考藝術 , 明報出版社有限公司 , 1999.
  12. 李天命 : 《哲道行者》 , 香港 : 明報出版社有限公司 , 2005.