會議介紹 會議詳情 與會者名單 議程 勞先生銅像揭幕

2017年乃本系前輩老師勞思光教授九十冥壽。為紀念勞教授五十年來對香港中文大學及整個當代漢語哲學界之重大 貢獻,本系謹定於2017524日(星期三)至26日(星期五),聯同中文大學崇基學院,假香港中文大學合辦「文化理性之批判與哲學理性之辯護――勞思光教授九十冥壽學術會議」。是次會議就以下課題之一以中文或英文發表論文:

1.            勞思光文化哲學之重估 (Lao Sze-Kwang’s philosophy of culture: a reappraisal)

2.            勞思光:現代與後現代之間的張力 (Lao Sze-Kwang and the tension between modernity and post-modernity)

3.            勞思光:理性之熱忱 (Lao Sze-Kwang and the passion of reason)                                                 

4.            勞思光與中國哲學的方法論問題 (Lao Sze-Kwang and the problem of methodology of Chinese philosophy)

5.            從哲學到詩詞:勞思光的書寫藝術 (From philosophy to poetry: Lao Sze-Kwang’s art of writing)

6.            勞思光的自我論與中西哲學中的主體性形態 (Lao Sze-Kwang’s theories of the self and forms of subjectivity in Chinese and Western philosophy)

7.            認知性哲學與引渡性哲學:中國哲學的特殊性與普遍性 (Cognitive philosophy and orientative philosophy: specificity and universality of Chinese philosophy)

8.            建設意識與解放意識:中國式的批判理論是否可能? (Consciousness of construction and consciousness of emancipation: is critical theory of the Chinese style possible?)

9.            天道論與中國式的超越論哲學 (Theory of the celestial Dao and the Chinese way to transcendental philosophy)

10.          人道論與中國式的哲學人類學 (Theory of humanity and philosophical anthropology of the Chinese style)

11.          非自然主義的自然論:中國哲學的貢獻 (Theory of nature without naturalism: the contribution of traditional Chinese philosophy)

12.          中國語言與文化視角下的哲學理性 (Philosophical rationality from the perspective of Chinese language and culture)

13.          中國哲學對跨文化哲學的貢獻 (Contribution of Chinese philosophy to intercultural philosophy)


Department of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong