• 2010 - Master Class

4th Symposia
Phaenomenologica Asiatica

Master Class in Phenomenology for Asian Scholars 2010


Transcendance and Sensibility from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty


Part 1: Prof. Dermot Moran, University College Dublin, Ireland

Part 2: Prof. Mauro Carbone, University of Lyon III, France


18 July - 5 August 2010

They will each give four 3-hour lectures on the captioned theme. A participants' symposium will held on 3 - 4 August, in which every participant will give a presentation on a topic related to the above theme.

Prof. Dermot Moran

Professor Dermot Moran holds the Chair of Philosophy (Metaphysics and Logic) at University College Dublin and is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. A graduate of University College Dublin (BA, 1973) and Yale University (PhD, 1986), he has previously taught at Queen's University Belfast and Maynooth College, and has held visiting professorships at Yale University.

Prof. Moran has published widely on medieval philosophy (especially Christian Neoplatonism) and contemporary European philosophy (especially phenomenology). His books include: The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena (Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1989; reissued 2004), Introduction to Phenomenology (London & NY: Routledge, 2000), and Edmund Husserl. Founder of Phenomenology (Cambridge & Malden, MA: Polity, 2005). He has edited Husserl's Logical Investigations, 2 vols. (Routledge, 2001), The Shorter Logical Investigations, The Phenomenology Reader, co-edited with Tim Mooney (Routledge, 2002), Phenomenology. Critical Concepts in Philosophy, 5 Volumes, co-edited with Lester E. Embree (Routledge, 2004), Eriugena, Berkeley and the Idealist Tradition, co-edited with Stephen Gersh (University of Notre Dame Press, 2006), and The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy (Routledge, 2008). His latest monograph, Edmund Husserl's Crisis of the European Sciences. An Introduction is in preparation for Cambridge University Press and he is preparing the Husserl Dictionary (with Joseph Cohen) for Continuum Press.

Prof. Moran is he Founding Editor of The International Journal of Philosophical Studies, member of the Comité Directrice of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP), co-editor of the Contributions to Phenomenology book series (Springer) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology (CARP). Prof. Moran has been elected President of the Programme Committee for the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy to take place in Athens in 2013.

Prof. Mauro Carbone

Mauro Carbone is Professor of Aesthetics at the Faculté de Philosophie de l'Université “Jean-Moulin” Lyon 3, France. For a long time he taught Contemporary Aesthetics at the State University of Milan, Italy. He received his Ph.D. in 1990 at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, with a dissertation awarded by the Royal Academy of Belgium. A revised and enlarged edition of this work is available in French under the title La visibilité de l’invisible: Merleau-Ponty entre Cézanne et Proust [The Visibility of the Invisible: Merleau-Ponty between Cézanne and Proust] (Hildesheim: Olms, 2001).

An English collection of his essays, entitled The Thinking of the Sensible: Merleau-Ponty’s A-Philosophy, is published in the Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy series of Northwestern University Press (Evanston, IL: 2004).

In Italian he is also the author of Il sensibile e l’eccedente. Mondo estetico, arte, pensiero [The Sensible and the Excess: Aesthetical World, Art, Thinking] (Milan: Guerini, 1996) and the co-author (with David Michael Levin) of La carne e la voce. In dialogo tra estetica ed etica [The Flesh and the Voice : In Conversation between Aesthetics and Ethics] (Milan: Mimesis, 2003), both dealing with the relations between French Phenomenology and Post-Structuralist philosophy, as well as the author of Di alcuni motivi in Marcel Proust [On Some Motifs in Marcel Proust] (Milan: Cortina, 1998) and Una deformazione senza precedenti. Marcel Proust e le idee sensibili [An unprecedented Deformation: Marcel Proust and the Sensible Ideas] (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2004), both trying to develop the notion of “Sensible Idea” that Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze take from Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Una deformazione senza precedenti won ex-aequo the “Viaggio a Siracusa” award 2004 as the best Italian essay in philosophy. A revised and enlarged edition of this work is available in French under the title Proust et les idées sensibles [Proust and Sensible Ideas] (Paris: Vrin, 2008). Translations of this book are forthcoming in English (under the title An Unprecedented Deformation, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, Release Date: Early Spring 2010) and Spanish. Recently, English essays of his have been published on the “Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal”, Merleau-Ponty Special Issue, 2009, and in B. Flynn, W. J. Froman and R. Vallier (editors), Merleau-Ponty:Possibility for Philosophy in Our Day, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2009,

Mauro Carbone was a visiting professor in several foreign universities, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the “International Symposium on Phenomenology” from 1998 to 2000. He is the founder and a co-editor of the journal Chiasmi International. Trilingual Studies concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought

During the Spring Semester 2005 he was a fellow at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University in the City of New York. During this period he wrote a book about the event of September 11th entitled Essere morti insieme [To Be Dead Together] which is published in Italian (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2007). In Spring Semester 2007 he was a Visiting Professor of Philosophy at The New School for Social Research in New York. Now he is an associate fellow in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Warwick (UK). His most recent book concerns the French contemporary aesthetics of painting and cinema and is entitled Sullo schermo dell’estetica. La pittura, il cinema e la filosofia da fare (Milan: Mimesis, 2008). It won ex-aequo the “Maurizio Grande” award 2009 as the best Italian essay on cinema.






18 July 2010 (Sun)

Check In

14:00 - 18:00

Student Hostel II, Shaw College

18 July 2010 (Sun)

Orientation and Welcoming Dinner


Benjamin Franklin Centre Staff Canteen

19 July 2010 (Mon)

Lecture 1: By Prof. Dermot Moran

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

20 July 2010 (Tue)

Lecture 2: By Prof. Dermot Moran

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

22 July 2010 (Thu)

Lecture 3: By Prof. Dermot Moran

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

23 July 2010 (Fri)

Lecture 4: By Prof. Dermot Moran

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

23 July 2010 (Fri)

Japanese Evening


Si Yuan Amenities Centre, United College

26 July 2010 (Mon)

Lecture 1: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

27 July 2010 (Tue)

Lecture 2: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

29 July 2010 (Thu)

Lecture 3: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

30 July 2010 (Fri)

Lecture 4: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

09:30 - 12:30

Room 212, TCW

30 July 2010 (Fri)

Indian Evening


G03, Fung King Hey Building

3 August 2010 (Tue)


09:30 - 18:30

G03, Fung King Hey Building

4 August 2010 (Wed)

Symposium and Closing Ceremony

09:30 - 18:30

G03, Fung King Hey Building

4 August 2010 (Wed)

Farewell Dinner


House of Beijing

5 August 2010 (Thu)

Check Out


Student Hostel II, Shaw College

Date:18 July 2010 (Sun)

Event:Check In

Time:14:00 - 18:00

Venue:Student Hostel II, Shaw College

Date:18 July 2010 (Sun)

Event:Orientation and Welcoming Dinner


Venue:Benjamin Franklin Centre Staff Canteen

Date:19 July 2010 (Mon)

Event:Lecture 1: By Prof. Dermot Moran

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:20 July 2010 (Tue)

Event:Lecture 2: By Prof. Dermot Moran

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:22 July 2010 (Thu)

Event:Lecture 3: By Prof. Dermot Moran

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:23 July 2010 (Fri)

Event:Lecture 4: By Prof. Dermot Moran

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:23 July 2010 (Fri)

Event:Japanese Evening


Venue:Si Yuan Amenities Centre, United College

Date:26 July 2010 (Mon)

Event:Lecture 1: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:27 July 2010 (Tue)

Event:Lecture 2: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:29 July 2010 (Thu)

Event:Lecture 3: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:30 July 2010 (Fri)

Event:Lecture 4: By Prof. Mauro Carbone

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:Room 212, TCW

Date:30 July 2010 (Fri)

Event:Indian Evening


Venue:G03, Fung King Hey Building

Date:3 August 2010 (Tue)


Time:09:30 - 18:30

Venue:G03, Fung King Hey Building

Date:4 August 2010 (Wed)

Event:Symposium and Closing Ceremony

Time:09:30 - 18:30

Venue:G03, Fung King Hey Building

Date:4 August 2010 (Wed)

Event:Farewell Dinner


Venue:House of Beijing

Date:5 August 2010 (Thu)

Event:Check Out


Venue:Student Hostel II, Shaw College

TCW = Teaching Complex at Western Campus, CUHK. For the location, please refer to the campus map in the page of Arrival Information

Class Profile

Educational Background

Educational Background

No. of people





Ph Doctor



Post-doctoral Fellow or lecturer



Assistant Professor or above






Regional Distribution


No. of people


Hong Kong









South Korea









Master Class in Phenomenology 2010

Master Class in Phenomenology 2010