Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, is a publication sponsored by the Association of Chinese Philosophers in America and the Philosophy Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by the Center for the Study of East Asian Civilizations of National Taiwan University. It aims to serve as a bridge between Chinese and non-Chinese philosophies and philosophers. It welcomes submissions from philosophers of all ethnic groups. The Journal is dedicated to publishing quality articles and book reviews in comparative studies of Chinese philosophy and any other philosophical traditions in the world, including but not limited to Western philosophy, Islamic philosophy, African philosophy, Indian philosophy, Japanese philosophy, and Korean philosophy, in any philosophical disciplines, including but not limited to metaphysics, epistemology, logic and philosophy of language, ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of history, and philosophy of mind, as well as articles on theories and methodologies of comparative philosophy.

You can see the table of contents of all past issues on Springer site, with this link.

Editorial Board


Huang, Yong

Book Review Editors

Li, Yong (Books in Chinese)
Xiao, Yang (Books in English)

Editoral Board Members

An, Yanming   Clemson University, USA
Angle, Steve   Wesleyan University, USA
Bai, Tongdong   Fudan University, China
Behuniak, James   Colby College, USA
Chen, Lai   Beijing University, China
Chen, Weigang   University of Macau, Macau
Defoort, Carine   Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Tu, Weiming   Beijing University, China
Fan, Ruiping   City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Fraser, Chris   University of Toronto, Canada
Goldin, Paul   University of Pennsylvania, USA
Graziani, Romain   Ecole normale supĂ©rieure de Lyo, France
Huang, Chun-chieh   National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Jiang, Tao   Rutgers University, USA
Kim, Myengseok   Yonsei University, South Korea
Lai, Kayrn   University of New South Wales, Australia
Li, Yong   Wuhan University, China
Meyer, Dirk   University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Moeller, Hans-Georg   University of Macau, Macau
Pang-White, Ann   Scranton University, USA
Patt-Shamir, Galia   Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Ng, On-cho   Pennsylvania State University, USA
Schilling, Dennis   University of Munich, Germany
Sung, Winnie   Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Tan, Sor-hoon   Singapore Management University, Singapore
Wang, Xinli   Juniata College, USA
Wang, Youru   Rowan University, USA
Weber, Ralph   University of Basel, Switzerland
Xiao, Yang   Kenyon College, USA
Yang, Guorong   East China Normal University, China
Yao, Xingzhong   King's College London, England
Zheng, Yujian   Shenzhen University, China


Tsang, Esther
Delany, Laurel

Editoral Assistant

Tsang, Esther

Cover Calligrapher

Ni, Peimin

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