The 3rd Joint Philosophy Symposium of CUHK-NTU: Traditional Philosophy and Scientific Philosophy

10:00am – 6:30pm |
Room 220, Fung King Hey Building (With Synchronous Broadcast on Zoom) |
Programme Rundown: here
Presentations and discussions will be in English. All are welcome.
Register for face-to-face event as audience:
Joining the conference on Zoom (no registration required)
Meeting ID: 978 8338 6654
For inquiry:
Tel: +852 3943 7135 | Email: | Website:
List of Participants (in alphabetical order)
Lok-Chi CHAN 陳樂知 | (NTU) |
Yong HUANG 黃勇 | (CUHK) |
I-Kai JENG 鄭義愷 | (NTU) |
Nihel JHOU 周先捷 | (NTU) |
Hayden KEE | (CUHK) |
Caleb LIANG 梁益堉 | (NTU) |
Fan-lun MANG 孟繁麟 | (CUHK) |
Christian WENZEL 文哲 | (NTU) |
Jiji ZHANG 張寄冀 | (CUHK) |
Lei ZHONG 鍾磊 | (CUHK) |
Co-organized by
Department of Philosophy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Philosophy & Center for Traditional and Scientific Metaphysics, National Taiwan University