International Conference on the Philosophy of Criminal Punishment
June 18–20, 2013
Keynote speakers: Erin Kelly, Thomas M. Scanlon, Tommie Shelby
會議主題講者為Erin Kelly、T. M. Scanlon、Tommie Shelby三位教授。
Kelly 教授任教於塔夫斯大學,致力研究道德及政治哲學、法律哲學,對公義問題尤為重視。Kelly 教授著作甚豐。她最重要的一篇論文 “Criminal Justice Without Retribution” 二零零九年於The Journal of Philosophy 發表。
Scanlon 教授是哈佛大學阿爾福德自然宗教、道德哲學及公民政體講座教授。Scanlon 教授出版了一系列重要著作,主要著作有一九九八年出版的 What We Owe to Each Other以及二零零八年出版的 Moral Dimensions。 Scanlon教授是當今三四位最受尊崇的英美哲學家之一,他的契約論廣受世界各地哲學家談論。
Shelby 教授是哈佛大學非裔及非裔美籍研究教授以及哲學教授。他的一篇重要論文 “Justice, Deviance, and the Dark Ghetto,” 二零零七年於 Philosophy & Public Affairs 發表,並於二零零五年出版We Who Are Dark: The Philosophical Foundations of Black Solidarity一書。
中大李兆基樓LT2 (6月18日早上)
中大馮景禧樓220室 (6月18日下午至6月20日)
議程 : PDF
摘要: (PDF)
T.M. Scanlon: Desert, Blame, and Punishment
Erin Kelly: Culpability and Fault in Criminal Justice
Tommie Shelby: Punishment, Condemnation, and Social Injustice
Leora Katz: Mediating Desert and Punishment
David Goldman: Can Retributive Punishment Change the Past?
Jonathan Jacobs: Agency, Character, and Criminal Sanction: Implications of their Interaction
Andy Engen: Communication, Expression, and the Justification of Punishment
George Tsai: Blame: A Necessary Vice?
Tine Vandendriessche: Explaining Punishment: Moral Indignation, Meaning and Symbolic Practice
Hon-Lam Li: Two Dimensions of Criminal Punishment: Deterrence and Desert
Christopher Lewis: Inequality, Incentives, Blameworthiness, and Crime
Peter Chau: Moral Education and Criminal Punishment
J. Angelo Corlett: Taking Capital Punishment Seriously
Hannah Wensan Chen: On the Ethical Justification of the Abolishment of Death Penalty: From the Restorative Moral Imagination Approach