

2009-2010 | 下學期
M 05-06; H 09-10
UCA 103; UCA 105

PHI 3561 Special Topics in Eastern Philosophy: Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy


Course description

This course will introduce and guide students to read some basic works of the Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy. Attention will be given to the contemporary Western reception of the tradition.



Tutorial and class performance (15%)

Three short papers (with two students forming a group, less than 2,000 words each, 3×15%)

A final paper (3,000-5,000 words, 40%)



概論 (2 次 )

  1. 科目說明;藏傳佛教哲學總覽:分期、學派與人物
  2. 總覽 ( 續 ) :經院佛學的特質;桑耶論爭

空性的論證 (4 次 )

  1. 名言、正理掌握及表述空性
  2. 區分兩種有、兩種遮遣、兩種勝義
  3. 空性是所知事
  4. 自 空 與他空


知識論課題 (4 次 )

  1. 量識
  2. 所量
  3. 量論與中觀的內在關係
  4. 量論的解脫論角色


修行論議題 (3 次 )

  1. 密教與身體
  2. 時輪金剛
  3. 大圓滿

Reading list (Tentative)

  1. 宗喀巴《菩提道次第廣論》〈毘缽舍那品〉
  2. 宗喀巴《菩提道次第略論》〈毘缽舍那品〉
  3. 宗喀巴《由說甚深緣起門中稱贊無上大師善說心藏》
  4. 宗喀巴《聽大師講中觀根本論八難備忘錄》
  5. 宗喀巴《菩提道次第攝義頌》
  6. 貢?晉美旺波著 , 陳玉蛟譯 《宗義寶鬘》 ( 臺北:法爾出版社 1988 年 )
  7. 章嘉‧若白多傑著 , 白瑪旺傑譯《章嘉國師論中觀》 ( 蘭州:甘肅民族出版社 2004 年 )
  8. The Lam rim Chen mo Translation Committee, The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Vol.1-3 ( New York : Snow Lion Publications 2000, 2002, 2004)
  9. E. Napper, Dependent Arising and Emptiness: A Tibetan Buddhist Interpretation of Madhyamika Philosophy Emphasizing the Compatibility of Emptiness and Conventional Phenomena (Boston: Wisdom Publ. 1989) 劉宇光 譯《緣起與空性 : ?調空性與世俗有之間的可相融性的藏傳佛教中觀哲學》 ( 香港 : 志蓮淨苑 文化部 2003 年 )( 繁體版 ) ; 《緣起與空性 : 藏傳佛教中觀哲學》 ( 收於《宗教學譯叢》 , 北京 : 中國人民大學出版社 2006 年 )( 簡體版 )
  10. 宗喀巴《因明七論除闇論》
  11. 木給?深登著《所知名相?明慧理門》仁青更敦譯 《藏傳佛教般若中觀》 , pp. 155-383
  12. A.Klein , Knowledge and Liberation: Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology in Support of Transformative Religious Experience (Snow Lion 1986)
  13. 薩班 ? 慶喜幢編著 量理寶藏論 / ; 明性法師中譯 . ( 東初出版社 , 1995)
  14. Lopez, Donald S. Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West . (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.)
  15. Lopez, Donald S. Religions of Tibet in practice . (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1997.)
  16. G. Dreyfus , Recognizing Reality: Dharmakirti’s Philosophy and its Tibetan Interpretations. SUNY, 1997.
  17. ————, The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. ( University of California Press, 2003.)
  18. J.Hopkins , Meditation on Emptiness (Boston: Wisdom Publ. 1983).
  19. ————, Emptiness Yoga (New York: Snow Lion 1987).
  20. ————, Emptiness in the Mind –Only School of Buddhism : Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba’s The Essence of Eloquence: I ( University of California Press1999 )
  21. ————, Reflection on Reality: The Three Natures and Non-Natures in the Mind –Only School: Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba’s the Essence of Eloquence: Vol.2 (The University of California Press 2002)
  22. ————, Maps of the Profound: Jam-yang-shay-ba’s Great Exposition of Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Views on the Nature of Reality ( New York : Snow Lion Publications 2003)