

2008-2009 | 暑期課程
H 03-04; H 05
Wang Qingjie

PHI1413 Philosophies of Life

I. Course Description:

人生哲學的課程目標在于引導學生理解人生哲學基本問題 , 概念与原理 , 并學習如何運用這些概念原理對我們當前面臨的社會人生道德問題進行哲學性的分析和思考 .

The aim of “Philosophies of Life” is to help students to understand important theories and ideas in philosophies of life. Students will learn how to use these ideas and theories in thinking and analyzing contemporary social, ethical and political issues in our everyday life.

II. Tentative topics to be discussed in the class (selective):

    1. Religious life and philosophical life

    2. Are we born selfish?

    3. Does morality depend on culture?

    4. Greatest happiness for greatest number

    5. Being moral is a duty for a human being

    6. Confucian theory of love and human nature

    7. Marx and alienation of human life

    8. Justice, fairness and liberal democracy

    9. Meaning of life and death

    10. Human cloning and the limit of sciences and technology

    11. Human dignity, pornography and sexual relationships

    12. Family values: parents and children, husband and wife

    13. Human being, animal and natural environment

    14. Legal punishment and death penalty

    15. Freedom of speech and lawful society

III. Tentative Assessment Method:

  1. In class discussion and presentations 30%

  2. Midterm exam 30%

  3. Term paper or final examinations 40%


  1. Plato, Five Dialogues (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987)
  2. Plato, Republic (Basic Books, 1968)
  3. Immanual Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993)
  4. John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1979)
  5. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (Arlington Hights: Harlan Davison, Inc., 1947)
  6. Confucius, 《論語》
  7. Mencius, 《孟子》
  8. Karl Marx, The Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (New York: International, 1964)
  9. K. Marx and F. Engels , The Communist Manifesto (New York: International Pub. 1948)
  10. John Rawls A Theory of Justice, (Cambridge: Harvard Univ.Press, 1971)
  11. Francis J. Beckwith Do the Right Thing , (Boston, Jones &Bartlett,1996)
  12. James Rachels The Elements of Moral Philosophy , (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999)
  13. Barbara MacKinnon Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues ( Boston: Wadsworth Pub., 1998)
  14. Judith A. Boss Analyzing Moral Issues , (London: Mayfield Pub., 1999)