

2009-2010 | 下学期
T 05; F 02-03
UCA 103

PHI 4522 Contemporary French Philosophy

评分方法: 短文:20%; 期终论文:50% 导修:30%

授课语言 粤语+英语

本科旨在重点介绍当代法国哲学家的基本思想特征、主要成就、他们在哲学活动带来的创新以及对其他人文与社会科学研究的影响。本学期研讨的哲学家包括:梅洛庞蒂 (Merleau-Ponty) 、傅柯 (Foucault) 和德里达 (Derrida) 。

大纲 :

一) 导论:当代法国哲学的背景──传统理性论的危机与非哲学经验对哲学的挑战

二) 梅洛庞蒂:从肉身主体现象学到新存在论

1. 梅洛庞蒂对自然经验的重视及其非观念论式的现象学进路
4. 梅洛庞蒂的晚期思想──艺术现象学与感性元素的存在论

三) 傅柯:现代西方理性主义文化的批判性考掘与重建自主主体的努力

1. 综论:傅柯思想史研究的对象与方法
2. 《古典时代疯狂史》的主要论旨及哲学意涵
3. 《临床医学的诞生》及其哲学注码
4. 《词与物》与知识空间
5. 《规训与惩罚》:现代纪律社会下主体之客体化
6. 晚期傅柯的道德转向:修身术 (techniques de soi) 与自主道德主体的显现

四) 德里达:解构论说的诞生及其乌托邦色彩

1. 从傅柯到德里达:关于「解构」 (deconstruction) 一词的初步说明
2. 德里达的胡塞尔现象学起点及解构之初度运用:《胡塞尔 < 几何学之起源 > 导言》
3. 胡塞尔现象学作为「现/在的形上学」与解构式阅读的确立
4. 延异与他者 (Otherness) :解构论的文化及道德意涵
5. 解构论的乌托邦色彩: 德里达论 弥赛亚式的盼望与 「 未来的民主 」

) 结论:法国哲学──在哲学之内还哲学之外?



I. 当代法国哲学的背景

  1. Schrift, Alan D. Twentieth-Century French Philosophy. Key Themes and Thinkers ( Malden , MA & Oxford , Blackwell Publishing, 2006), Part I, pp. 1-81.
  2. Gutting, G. “Part I: The Philosophers of the Third Republic ”, in French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Pr., 2001), pp. 1-117.


  3. 4. Descombes, V. “Introduction: Philosophy in France ”, in Modern French Philosophy , Eng. trans. L. Scott-Fox & J.-M. Harding (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1980).
  4. Spiegelberg, H. “The Beginnings of French Phenomenology”, in The Phenomenological Movement (The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 3 rd revised & enlarged ed., 1980), Part 3, Chap. VIII, pp. 428-447 ;中译本:《现象学运动》,赫伯特 ‧ 施皮格伯格着,王炳文、张金言译 ( 北京:商务印书馆, 1995) ,页 593-619 。
  5. Williams, Caroline. “Inheriting Problems and Paradoxes: Subjectivity and Modern Philosophy”, in Contemporary French Philosophy. Modernity and the Persistence of the Subject , Ch. 1 ( London & New York : The Athlone Press, 2001), pp. 12-37.
  6. Chatelet, F. “Récit”, in M. Morris & P. Patton (ed.), Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy (Sydney: Feral Publications, 1979), pp. 13-28.
  7. Matthews, Eric. Twentieth-Century French philosophy ( Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).
  8. Lawlor, L. Thinking Through French Philosophy. The Being of the Question ( Bloomington & Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2003).
  9. 高宣扬:《当代法国思想五十年》,<导论:关于人的命运与西方文化奥秘的思想论战>(台北:五南图书, 2003 ),页 1-160 。


II. 梅洛庞蒂
A. 梅洛庞蒂的主要着作

  1. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, The Structure of Behavior , Eng. trans. A. L. Fisher (Boston: Beacon Pr., 1963 ) ; 《行为的结构》,梅洛-庞蒂着,杨大春、张尧均译(北京:商务印书馆, 2005 )。
  2. ______ The Phenomenology of Perception , Eng. trans. C. Smith (London: Routledge, 1962) ;《知觉现象学》,梅洛-庞蒂着,姜志辉译(北京:商务印书馆, 2001 )。
  3. ______ The Primacy of Perception and other essays on Phenomenological Psychology, the Philosophy of Art, History and Politics , ed. & introd. James M. Edie (Evanston: Northwestern University Pr., 1964) ;《知觉的首要地位及其哲学结论》,梅洛-庞蒂着,王东亮译(北京:三联, 2002 )。
  4. ______ Sense and non-sense , Eng. trans. Hubert L. Dreyfus and Patricia Allen Dreyfus (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1964).
  5. ______ In Praise of Philosophy and other Essays , Eng. Trans. John Wild and James Edie, John O”Neill (( Evanston , Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 1988); 《哲学赞词》,梅洛-庞蒂着,杨大春译(北京:商务印书馆, 2002 )。
  6. ______Signs , Eng. trans. Richard C. McCleary (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1964); 《符号》, 梅洛-庞蒂着,姜志辉译(北京:商务印书馆, 2003 )。
  7. ______ The Visible and the Invisible , Eng. trans. A. Lingis (Evanston: Northwestern University Pr., 1968).
  8. ______ The World of Perception , Eng. Trans. Oliver Davis ( London and New York : Routledge, 2004).
  9. ______ Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings , ed. Thomas Baldwin ( London & New York : Routledge, 2004).
  10. ______The Merleau-Ponty Reader , ed. Ted Toadvine & Leonard Lawlor ( Evanston : Northwestern University Pr., 2007).


B. 直接讨论梅洛庞蒂的着作

  1. Moran, D. “Ch. 12: Maurice Maurice Merleau-Ponty: the phenomenology of perception”, in Introduction to Phenomenology ( London and New York : Routledge, 2000), pp. 391-434.
  2. Gutting, G. “ Ch. 7: Merleau-Ponty”, in French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century , pp. 181-212.


  3. Matthews, Eric. “ Ch. 5: Phenomenology and Existentialism: 2. Merleau-Ponty”, in Twentieth-Century French philosophy , pp. 85-107.
  4. Spiegelberg, H. “The Phenomenological Philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961)”, in The Phenomenological Movement , 3 rd ed., 1980, Part 3, Chap. XI, pp. 537-584 ;中译本:《现象学运动》,第十一章,页 738-799 。
  5. Descombes, V. Modern French Philosophy , Chap. 2.
  6. Carman, Talyor. Merleau-Ponty ( London and New York : Routledge, 2008).
  7. Matthews, Eric. The Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty ( Montreal & Kingston : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002).
  8. Primozic, D. T. On Merleau-Ponty ( Belmont , CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001).
  9. Priest, Stephen. Merleau-Ponty (London and New York: Routledge, 1998).
  10. Langer, Monika. Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception: A Guide and Commentary (Basingstoke: MacMillan Pr., 1989).
  11. Dillon, M. C. Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology (Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Pr., 1988).
  12. Madison, G. B. The Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty: A Search for the Limits of Consciousness (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Pr., 1981).
  13. Zaner, R. M. The Problem of Embodiment. Some Contributions to a Phenomenology of the Body (The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1964, Part III).
  14. Diprose, R. & Reynolds, J. (eds.) Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts ( S tocksfield: Acumen, 2008).
  15. Carman, T & Hansen, M. B. N. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005).
  16. 杨大春:《梅洛庞蒂》 ( 台北:生智, 2003 ) 。
  17. 佘碧平:《梅洛庞蒂:历史现象学研究》(上海:复旦大学出版社, 2007 )。
  18. 刘国英:<梅洛庞蒂的现象学方法>,《中大人文学报》,第一卷, 1997 ,页 240-251 。
  19. 刘国英:<「人是政治动物」 — — 从现象学观点理解亚里士多德的「人禽之辨」>,刊《天人之际与人禽之辨 ──比较与多元的观点》,刘述先、郑宗义、冯耀明、陈荣开编, 香港:《新亚学术集刊》, 17 期, 2001 ,页 251-270 。
  20. LAU Kwok-ying, “Intersubjectivity and Phenomenology of the Other: Merleau-Ponty’s Contribution”, in Space, Time, Culture , ed. D. Carr and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004), pp. 135-158.
  21. 刘国英 :< 视见之疯狂 ── 梅洛庞蒂哲学中画家作为现象学家 >, 刊《视觉的思想 : 现象学与艺术国际学术研讨会论文集》 , 孙周兴、高士明编 ( 杭州 : 中国美术学院出版社 , 2003 ), 页 26-40 ; Kwok-ying LAU, “La folie de la vision : le peintre comme phénoménologue chez Merleau-Ponty ”, Chiasmi International. Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought , New Series No. 10, 2008 (Milano: Mimesis Edizioni), pp. 163-182 ; “The Madness of Seeing: the Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty” 。
  22. < 梅洛庞蒂的肉身主体 现象学及其哲学意涵 >, 刊《修远之路 ── 香港中文大学哲学系六十周年系庆论文集 · 同寅卷》 , 刘国英、张灿辉编 ( 香港 : 中文大学出版社 , 2009 ),页 491-532 。
  23. Kwok-ying LAU, “ La chair: de l”usage ontologique à l”usage interculturel ”, paper presented to the International Conference “ Être à la vérité – M. Merleau-Ponty 1908-2008 ” held at the Department of Philosphy, University of Basel, 11-15 March 2008, in Basel, 13 pages ; 刘国英 : < 肌肤存在 ── 从存在论层面到跨文化层面的运用 >,发表于 「 从 现象学到人文科学 ── 梅洛庞蒂 诞生一百周年学术研讨会」 , 香港中文大学 郑承隆基金亚洲现象学中心 主办, 2008 年 3 月 28-29 日, 15 页。
  24. Kwok-ying LAU, “ Who is the Philosopher whose Shadow Merleau-Ponty is Facing?—“The Philosopher and His Shadow” (Re-)Revisite d”, paper presented to OPO III, World Conference on Phenomenology held 15-20 December 2008, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 19 pages.
  25. Kwok-ying LAU, “ Merleau-Ponty et Fink face à l”ombre de Husserl ” , paper presented to the conference « Vers une nouvelle philosophie du corps. Centenaire de la naissance de Maurice Merleau-Ponty », held 22-23 novembre 2008 at Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro Campus, Tokyo, 20 pages
  26. LAU Kwok-ying, “Merleau-Ponty’s Contribution Towards a Philosophy of Nature”, paper presented to the “ Second Symposium On Field-Being and The Non-Substantialistic Turn ” organized by The International Institute for Field-Being, Fairfield University , U.S.A. , August 4-9, 1998 at Fairfield , Connecticut .


III. 傅柯
A. 傅柯的主要着作

  1. Foucault, Michel. History of Madness , complete Eng. trans. Jonathan Murphy and Jean Khalfa ( Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2006) ; 傅柯:《古典时代疯狂史》,林志明译 ( 台北:时报文化, 1998) ; Madness and Civilization , partial Eng. trans. R. Howard (New York: Pantheon, 1965).
  2. The Birth of the Clinic , Eng. trans. A. Sheridan (New York: Vintage, 1973 ) ;《 临床医学的诞生》,傅柯着 , 刘絮恺译( 台北市 : 时报文化, 1995 )。


  3. — The Order of Things , Eng. trans. A. Sheridan (New York: Random House, 1970) ;《词与物》,福柯着,莫伟民译 ( 上海:上海三联书店, 2001) 。
  4. — The Archaeology of Knowledge , Eng. trans. A. Sheridan (New York: Pantheon, 1972) ;《知识考古学》,福柯着,谢强、马月译( 北京:三联, 1998 )。
  5. — Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison , Eng. trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: Pantheon, 1977 ) ;《 规训与惩罚 : 监狱的诞生 》, 傅柯着 ; 刘北 成, 杨远婴译( 台北市:桂冠图 书, 1992 )。
  6. The history of sexuality , 3 Vols. , Eng. trans. Robert Hurley ( New York: Vintage Books, 1978-88 ) ;《性经验史》, 福柯着,佘碧平译(上海:上海人民出版社, 2002 )。
  7. The Hermeneutics of the Subject , ed. F. Gros, Eng. Tran. G. Burchell ( New York : Picador, 2005).
  8. — The Foucault Reader , ed. P. Rabinow (New York: Pantheon, 1985).
  9. Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984,8. Vol. 1 , ed. P. Rabinow (New York: New Press, 1997).
  10. Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology , Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, Vol. 2 , ed. J. D. Faubion (New York: New Press, 1998).
  11. Power, Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, Vol. 3 , ed. James D. Faubion ( New York : New Press, 2000).
  12. 《福柯集》,杜小真编选 ( 上海:上海远东出版社, 1998) 。


B. 直接讨论傅柯的着作

  1. Gutting, G. “Ch 9: Foucault”, in French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Pr., 2001), pp. 258-288.
  2. Williams, Caroline. “The Discursive Construction of the Subject”, in Contemporary French Philosophy. Modernity and the Persistence of the Subject , Ch. 5, pp. 152-189.


  3. Mills, Sara. Michel Foucault ( London & New York : Routledge, 2003).
  4. Prado, C. G. Starting with Foucault. An Introduction to Genealogy (Boulder, San Francisco & Oxford: Westview Press, 1995).
  5. Visker, Rudi. Michel Foucault. Genealogy as Critique (London: Verso, 1995).
  6. McNay, L. Foucault: A Critical Introduction (Cambridge: Polity, 1994).
  7. Dreyfus, H. L. & Rabinow, P. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr., 1982, 2 nd ed. 1984).
  8. Major-Poetzl, P. Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Western Culture (Sussex: The Harvester Pr., 1983).
  9. Gutting, G. Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Scientific Reason (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1989).
  10. Gutting, G. (ed.), The Cambridge Campanion to Foucault (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1994, 2nd ed. expanded 2006).
  11. Michel Foucault Philosopher , Eng. trans. T. J. Armstrong (New York: Routledge, 1992).
  12. Hoy, David C. (ed.), Foucault: A Critical Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986).
  13. 杨大春:《傅柯》 ( 台北:生智, 1995) 。
  14. 莫伟民:《主体的命运》 ( 上海:三联, 1996) 。
  15. 《再见 傅柯。傅柯晚期思想新论》,黄瑞祺主编(台北 : 松慧文化, 2005 )。
  16. LAU Kwok-ying, “Foucault and Husserl’s Logical Investigations —the unsuspected French Connection”, in Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives , ed. Kwok-ying Lau & John J. Drummond ( Dordrecht : Springer), 2007, pp. 153-168 ; 刘国英:<福柯与胡塞尔的《逻辑研究》:意想不到的法国联系>,刊《现象学在中国:胡塞尔《逻辑研究》发表一百周年国际会议──中国现象学与哲学评论特辑》,上海:上海译文出版社, 2003 ,页 61-83 。

IV. 德里达
A. 德里达的主要着作

  1. Derrida, Jacques, Speech and Phenomena and Other Essays on Husserl’s Theory of Signs, Eng. trans. D. Allison (Evanston: Northwestern University Pr., 1973) ;《声音与现象》,德里达着,杜小真译(香港:社会理论出版社, 1994 ;北京:商务, 1999 )。
  2. ______ Edmund Husserl’s Origin of Geometry: An Introduction , Eng. trans. J. Leavy (York Beach: ME, Nicholas Hays, 1978 ) ; 《胡塞尔<几何学的起源>导引 》, 德希达着 , 钱捷译( 台北: 桂冠图 书, 2005 )。
  3. ______ Of Grammatology , Eng. trans. G. C. Spivak (Baltimore: Johns Hopskins University Pr., 1975) ;《 论文字学》, 德里达着,汪堂家译( 上海:上海译文出版社, 1999 )。
  4. ______Writing and Difference , Eng. trans. A. Bass (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr., 1978) ;《书写与差异》,德里达着,张宁译 ( 北京:三联, 2001) 。
  5. ______ Margins of Philosophy , Eng. trans. A. Bass (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr., 1982).
  6. ______ A Derrida Reader: Between the Blinds , ed. P. Kamuf (New York: Columbia University Pr., 1991).
  7. ______ Acts of Religion , ed. G. Anidjar ( New York and London : Routledge, 2002).
  8. ______ Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001 , ed. and Eng. trans. E. Rottenberg (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002).

B. 直接讨论德里达的着作

  1. Gutting, G. “Ch 10: Derrida”, in French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Pr., 2001), pp. 289-317.
  2. Moran, D. “Ch. 13: Derrida: from phenomenology to deconstruction”, in Introduction to Phenomenology ( London and New York : Routledge, 2000), pp. 435-474.


  3. Gasche, R. “Deconstruction as Criticism”, in Inventions of Difference. On Jacques Derrida (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Pr., 1994), pp. 22-57.
  4. Williams, Caroline. “Derrida, Subjectivity and the Politics of Différance”, in Contemporary French Philosophy. Modernity and the Persistence of the Subject , Ch. 4, pp. 109-151.
  5. Bennington, G. and Derrida, J. Jacques Derrida , Eng. trans. G. Bennington ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1993).
  6. Stocker, B. Derrida on Deconstruction ( London & New York : Routldege, 2006).
  7. Royle, N. Jacques Derrida ( London & New York : Routldege, 2003).
  8. Lawlor, L. Derrida and Husserl: the Basic Problem of Phenomenology ( Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2002).
  9. Bennington , G. Interrupting Derrida ( London & New York : Routldege, 2000).
  10. Howells, C. Derrida: Deconstruction from Phenomenology to Ethics (Cambridge: Polity, 1999).
  11. Critchley, S. The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas (West Lafayette, Indiana: Perdue University Press, 1992, 1999 2 nd ed.)
  12. Norris, C. Derrida (London: Fontana Pr., 1987).
  13. Reynolds, J. & Roffe, J. (eds.) Understanding Derrida ( London : Continuum, 2004).
  14. Wood, D. (ed.), Derrida: A Critical Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992).
  15. Silverman, H. J. (ed.) Derrida and Deconstruction (London & New York: Routledge, 1989).
  16. 杨大春:《德希达》 ( 台北:生智, 1995) 。
  17. 刘国英:<现象学与形上学 — — 从狄里达对「现∕在的形上学」之断症看现象学与形上学之分际>, 台北:《鹅湖学志》,第 3 期, 1989 ,页 91-111 。
  18. 刘国英:< 他者的哲学──从沉宣仁先生的人格教育实践到解构论说的伦理意涵 >,刊《在求真的道路上:贺沉宣仁教授七秩之庆》,黎志添、刘国英、张灿辉合编 ( 香港:中华书局, 2003) ,页 219-239 。
  19. 刘国英:<解构就是希望--悼念雅克 · 德里达 (1930-2004) >, 《现象学与人文科学》,创刊号, 200 4 , 页 275-287 。
  20. Kwok-ying LAU, “ Non-familiarity and Otherness: Derrida’s Hermeneutics of Friendship and its political implications”, in Phenomenology 2005, 1, Selected Essays from Asia, Part 2 , ed. CHEUNG Chan-Fai and YU Chung-Chi (Zeta Books, , 2007), pp. 417-440; also in Responsibility and Commitment. Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker , ed. Tze-wan Kwan (Waldkirch: Edition Gorz, 2008), pp.173-188 ; 刘国英:<非亲缘性与他者--德里达的友情诠释论及其政治意涵>《中国现象学与哲学评论》,第七辑,上海:上海译文出版社, 2005 , 页 92-11 0 。



法国哲学一般 :


梅洛庞蒂 : (with other Merleau-Ponty links)


傅柯 : (with Foucault links)


德里达: (Derrida online) (very detailed Derrida bibliography)


初阶阅读 材料

1. 关于当代法国哲学的背景: E. Matthews, “The Frenchness of French Philosophy”, Twentieth-Century French philosophy , Ch. 1, pp. 1-13.

2. 关于梅洛庞蒂: T. Carman & M. B. N. Hansen, “Introduction”, in The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty , pp. 1-25.

3. 关于傅柯: G. Gutting, “Introduction: Michel Foucault: A user’s manual”, in The Cambridge Companion to Foucault , pp. 1-27.

4. 关于德里达: Critchley, S. & Mooney, T. “Deconstruction and Derrida: Philosophical roots and bibliographical history”, in Continental Philosophy in the 20 th Century, Routledge History of Philosophy Vol. 8 , pp. 449-473.



导修阅读材料 (暂定)

  1. Merleau-Ponty: “The Primacy of Perception and Its Philosophical Consequences”, in The Primacy of Perception , pp. 12-27.
    1. Merleau-Ponty: “The Spatiality of One’s Own Body and Motility” (from The Phenomenology of Perception ), in Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings , edited Thomas Baldwin, pp. 101-125.
    2. Merleau-Ponty: “Cézanne’s Doubt ”, in Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings , edited Thomas Baldwin, pp. 272-290.
  2. a. Foucault: “The Great Confinement” and “The Birth of the Asylum” (from Madness and Civilization ), in The Foucault Reader , ed. P. Rabinow, pp. 124-140, 141-167.
    b. Foucault: “The Body of the Condemned” (from Discipline and Punish ), in The Foucault Reader , ed. P. Rabinow, pp. 170-178.
    1. Foucault: “Preface to The History of Sexuality , Volume Two”, in Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, vol. 1, Ethics , ed. P. Rabinow, pp. 199-205.
    2. Foucault: “Technologies of the Self”, in Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, vol. 1, Ethics , ed. P. Rabinow, pp. 223-251.
    1. Derrida: “Differance”, in The Phenomenology Reader , ed. D. Moran & T. Mooney ( London & New York : Routledge, 2002), pp. 555-572. “From Speech and Phenomena ”, in A Derrida Reader , ed. P. Kamuf, pp. 8-30.
    2. Derrida: “Force of Law: The ‘Mystical Foundation of Authority””, in Acts of Religion ( New York and London : Routledge, 2002), pp. 230, 242-258.