
Philosophy of Education

2009-2010 | First Term
Philosophy Major
W 02-04
UCA 103
Ho Hsiu Hwang

PHI 4343 教育哲學

課程大綱 :



參考書目 :

  1. Plato. Meno.
  2. Plato. Protagoras.
  3. Plato. The Republic .
  4. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics.
  5. Aristotle. The Politics.
  6. Locke. Some Thoughts Concerning Education.
  7. Rousseau. Emile.
  8. Kant. Thoughts on Education.
  9. Whitehead. The Aims of Education.
  10. Dewey. Deomcracy and Education.
  11. Dewey. Experience and Education.
  12. Russell(1960). On Education .
  13. Blake, Nigel et. al. (eds.)(2003) The Philosophy of Education, the Blackwell Guide to , USA : MA.
  14. Brown, S. (ed.)(1975). Philosophers Discuss Education , London : Macmillan.
  15. Carr, Wilfred (1995). For Education: Towards Critical Educational Inquiry , Buckingham: OUP.
  16. Curren, Randall (ed.) (2007) Philosophy of Education: An Anthology , USA : Wiley-Blackwell.
  17. Frankena, William (1965). Three Historical Philosophies of Education: Aristotle, Kant and Dewey , Illinois : Scott, Foresman & Co.
  18. Hirst, Paul & White, Patricia (eds.) (1998). The Philosophy of Education , London : RKP.
  19. Hollins, T.H.B. (ed.)(1964). Aims of Education: the Philosophical Approach , Manchester University Press.
  20. Langford, G. & O”Conner D. (eds.)(1973). New Essays in Philosophy of Education , London : RKP.
  21. O”Hear, Anthony (1981). Education, Society and Human Nature , London : RKP.
  22. Peters, R. S. (1966). Ethics and Education , London : Unwin.
  23. Peters, R. S. (ed.)(1967). The Concept of Education , London : RKP.
  24. Peters, R. S. & Hirst, Paul (1970). The Logic of Education , London : RKP.
  25. Peters, R. S. et al. (eds.) (1972). Education and the Development of Reason , London : RKP.
  26. Peters, R. S. (ed.)(1973). The Philosophy of Education , Oxford : OUP.
  27. Scheffler , Israel (1960). The Language of Education , Illinois : C. C. Thomas.
  28. Warnock, Mary (1977). Schools of Thought , London : Faber.
  29. White, J. P. (1990). Education and the Good Life , London : Kogan Page.
  30. 孔子。《論語》,《中庸》
  31. 孟子。《孟子》
  32. 老子。《道德經》
  33. 莊子。《莊子》
  34. 墨子。《墨子》
  35. 韓非子。《韓非子》
  36. 荀子。《荀子》
  37. 戴經。《禮記》(《大學》)
  38. 朱熹。《近思錄》
  39. 王守仁。《傳習錄》
  40. 蔡元培。《蔡元培選集》,《蔡元培先生全集》
  41. 何秀煌( 1998 )。《從通識教育的觀點看文明 — 教育和人性教育的反思》,台北:東大。