WANG, Qingjie

Emeritus Professor

B.A. (Nanjing); M.A. (Peking); Ph.D. (Tulane)

Brief Biography

Wang Qingjie, professor in the department of philosophy at Chinese University of Hong Kong during 2000-2019. He specializes in Heidegger’s Philosophy, Contemporary European Philosophy, East-West Comparative Philosophy, and Moral Philosophy, etc. His current major publications include Moral Affection and the Confucian Exemplary Ethics of Virtue (2016); Heidegger and the Beginning of Philosophy (2015), Heidegger: Translation, Understanding and Interpretation (eds. 2017), A New Translation of Heidegger’s Introduction to Metaphysics (trans. 2015), Heidegger’s Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (trans. 2011), Ethics, Law and the Chinese Tradition (ed. 2018), etc. He also co-translated Heidegger’s Being and Time (1987) and co-edited the Chinese version of Heidegger’s Major Works (30 vol.)(2018), etc..

Research Interests

  1. Contemporary Continental Philosophy
  2. East-West Comparative Philosophy
  3. Moral Philosophy

Selected Publications

  1. “The Golden Rule and Interpersonal Care — From a Confucian Perspective,” in Philosophy East & West, vol.49, no.4, 1999, pp.415-438.
  2. “The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents,” in Confucian Bio-ethics, ed. by Ruiping Fan, Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Ac. 1999, pp.235-256.
  3. “Heng and Temporality of Dao: Laozi and Heidegger,” in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol.1, no.1, pp.55-71. Winter 2001. Reprinted in Space, Time and Culture, ed. by David Carr and Cheung Chan-Fai, Kluwer Academic Pub. 2004, pp.201-218.
  4. “Genealogical Self and a Confucian Way of Self-making,” in International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.42, no.1, 2002, pp. 93-112.
  5. “ ‘It-self-so-ing’ and ‘Other-ing’ in Laozi’s Concept of Zi Ran”, in Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy, edited by Bo Mou, Ashgate World Philosophy Series, Ashgate, UK, 2003. pp.225 — pp.244.
  6. “Thing-ing and No-thing in Heidegger, Kant and Laozi”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 2(2016). pp. 159-174.
  7. “Two Starting Points in Heidegger’s Critical Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Imagination,” in Geniusas (ed.), Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, pp. 77-90.
  8. 〈知識與懷疑—當代英美哲學關於知識本性的討論探析〉,《中國社會科學》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,第136期,2002年第三期,62-73頁。
  9. 〈道之爲物:海德格的“四方域”物論與老子的自然物論〉 《中國學術》,北京:商務印書館,第15輯,2003年第三期,19-57頁。
  10. 〈也談海德格“Ereignis”的中文翻譯與理解〉,《世界哲學》,北京:哲學研究雜誌社,2003年第4期,2-9頁。
  11. 〈道德感動與倫理意識的起點〉,《哲學研究》,10(2010),100-110頁。
  12. 〈真理、道理與思想解放〉,《哲學分析》,1(2010),17-31頁。
  13. 〈Transzendental概念的三重定義與超越論現象學的康德批判——兼談transzendental 的漢語譯名之爭〉,《世界哲學》, 4(2012),5-23頁。
  14. 〈海德格爾的「Dasein」與其三個主要中文譯名〉,《中國高校社會科學》,2(2014),40-54頁。
  15. 〈超越、超越論與海德格爾的《存在與時間》〉,《同濟大學學報》(社會科學版),1(2014),24-39頁。
  16. 〈現象學的現象、海德格爾與王陽明的致良知〉,《廣西大學學報》,2 (2015),7-22頁。
  17. 〈海德格爾與形而上學的淵基〉,《現代哲學》,1(2015),9-15頁。
  18. 〈道德感動與儒家的德性示範倫理學〉,《學術月刊》,8(2016),32-39頁。
  19. 〈親親相隱、正義與道德兩難〉,《中研院文哲所集刊》, 51 (2018), 39-64頁.
  20. 《海德格爾與哲學的開端》,王慶節著,北京:三聯出版社,2015年。
  21. 《形而上學導論》 (新譯本)(全集版第40卷),馬丁海德格爾(德)著,王慶節譯,北京:商務印書館,2017年。
  22. 《康德與形而上學疑難》(全集版第3卷),馬丁海德格爾(德)著,王慶節譯,北京:商務印書館, 2018年。