

2009-2010 | Second Term
Philosophy Major
F 02-03; Tuto
UCA 104; TSA
Wong Kai-yee

PHI 3820 Epistemology (Tentative Syllabus)


  1. Introduction
  2. Tripartite Analysis of Knowledge
  3. The Gettier Problem & Proposals for Solving It
  4. Foundationalism
  5. Coherentism
  6. Externalism: Reliablism
  7. Skepticism (I): High-standards Skepticism & Fallibilism
  8. Skepticism (II): Closure Principle and Contextualism
  9. The Pragmatist’s Challenge



Grading will be based on the following: tutorial performance, examination, and essays.


Major Texts

1. Sosa, E. & Kim, J., Epistemology: An Anthology
2. Feldman, R., Epistemology
3. Bonjour, L., Epistemology
4. Dancy, J., Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology


Selected Bibliography

Alston, William P.

The Reliability of Sense Perception

Annas and Barnes

The Modes of Scepticism


On the Soul (tr. W. S. Hett)

Audi, Robert


Ayer, A. J.

The Problem of Knowledge

Bernecker and Dretske

Knowledge: Readings in Contemporary Epistemology

Bonjour and Sosa

Epistemic Justification

Bonjour, Laurence

The Structure of Empirical Knowledge

Bonjour, Laurence

In Defense of Pure Reason

Chisholm, Roderick

Theory of Knowledge

Chisholm, Roderick

Perceiving: A Philosophical Study

Coady, C.A.J.


Davidson, Donald

Inquires into Truth and Interpretation

Davidson, Donald

Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective

Dretske, Fred I.

Seeing and Knowing

Fogelin, Robert

Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification

Fumerton, R.

Metaepistemology and Skepticism

Goldman., Alvin

Epistemology and Cognition

Greco and Sosa

Blackwell Guide to Epistemology

Haack, Susan

Evidence and Inquiry

Harman, Gilbert

Change in View

Horwich, Paul


Huemer and Audi

Epistemology: Contemporary Readings

Jackson, Frank

Perception: A Representation Theory

Kitcher, Philip

The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge

Kulp, Christopher B.

Realism/Antirealsim and Epistemology

Lehrer, Keith

Theory of Knowledge

Moser, Paul K.

Knowledge and Evidence

Nozick, Robert

Philosophical Investigations

Plantinga, Alvin

Warrant and Proper Function

Pojman, Louis

What Can We Know?

Pojman, Louis

Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 2 nd Edition

Pollock, John

Contemporary Theories of Knowledge

Price, H. H.


Putnam, Hilary

Reason, Truth and History

Quine & Ullian

The Web of Belief

Quine, W.V.O.

Ontological Relativity and Other Essays

Quine, W.V.O.

From a Logical Point of View

Quine, W.V.O.

Pursuit of Truth

Rorty, Richard

Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

Searle, John R.

The Construction of Social Reality

Shope, Robert K.

The Analysis of Knowing

Stroud, Barry

The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism

Villanueva, Enrique


William, Michael

Problems of Knowledge

Williams, Bernard

Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry

Williamson, Timothy

Knowledge and Its Limits

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Philosophical Investigation

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Remarks on the Foundations of mathematics

DePaul, Michael

Resurrecting Old-Fashioned Foundationalism