LO Kit-hung 盧傑雄
B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D (CUHK)

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Lingnan University

Tel: 2616 7482
Email: loalex@ln.edu.hk

Brief Biography:

Research Interests:
Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Social Science
Art of Thinking
Theory of Knowledge
Philosophy of Science
Western Civilization

Recent/ Representative Publications:
"Jurgen Habermas: The Colonization of the Lifeworld," (in Chinese), E+E, No. 1 (Hong Kong: Zuni Icosahedron), pp.38-39 (Sept 2001).
"Patriotic Education and the Challenge of 21st Century," (in Chinese), Research on Oriental Morality, No.5 (Beijing: The Chinese Chamber of Commerce Press), pp. 198-206 (July 2001).
"Moral Knowledge and Moral Practice" (in Chinese). Zhao Tingyang ed., Tractatus , (Shenyang: Liaonhai Press), pp.90~101 (Sept. 1999).
"Modern Ethics and Patriotism," (in Chinese), Ngai Po, No.17 (Hong Kong: Wang Ngai Cultural Educational Association) ,pp.27~34 (March 1999).
"Homo Economicus, Market and Morality" (in Chinese) in , Value and Society. No.2. (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press), pp.3~26 (Sept. 1998).
"Chu Hsi's ethics," (in Chinese), Ngai Po, No.15 (Hong Kong: Wang Ngai Cultural Educational Association) ,pp.18~26 (Sept. 1998).
"Review Putnam's Reason, truth and history," (in Chinese),Zhe Si - A Chinese Philosophical Journal, Vol.1, No.2 (Germany: http://www.zhesi.org) (June 1998).
"Relativism" (in Chinese) Journal of Philosophy, No.24 (Taipei: Ye Jiang), pp 226-247 (May 1998)
"On Confucian Conception of morality," (in Chinese), Ngai Po , No.13 (Hong Kong: Wang Ngai Cultural Educational Association ),pp.2~9 (March. 1998).
"Relationship among the Idea, Curriculum and Administrative System of General Education: A Comparison Between Two Models" (in Chinese) Proceeding of the International Conference on University General Education in Chinese Community, edited by The Office of General Education, CUHK, pp 83-100 Lo, K.H. and W.Y. Wong (Nov. 1997)
"Moral Knowledge and Moral Practice, "(in Chinese) Value and Society. No.1 (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press), pp.33-49 (1997, August).
"Market and Society," (in Chinese) Value and Society: Proceedings of Annual Conference 1993-1994 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Lingnan College, General Education School), pp. 135-139 (1997, June).
"Ideas of Patriotism, "(in Chinese) paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Nationalism and Patriotism: Reflection and Reappraisal, School of General School, Lingnan College (1997, June 12).
"Relationship among the Idea, Curriculum and Administrative System of General Education: A Comparison Between Two Models, "(in Chinese) Proceeding of the International Conference on University General Education in Chinese Community edited by The Office of General Education, C.U.H.K. (accepted for publication) Lo, K. H. and Dr. Wong, Wai-ying (1997, January)..
"Kuhn's Paradigm: From Natural Science to Human Science, "(in Chinese) Ming Pao Monthly Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 66-68 (1996, September).
"MacIntyre on the rational foundation of morality," Chinese Philosophical Review (Chinese), (Peking: Chinese Academy of Social Science Press) (1994).
"Moral Luck and Kantian Self," (in Chinese) paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Nationalism and Partriotism: Reflection and Reappraisal, School of General School, Lingnan College (1994)..
"Moral Luck and Kantian Self," paper presented at the Third Annual Tertiary Seminar on Philosophy, Humanistic Philosophy Society and Hong Kong Friends of Philosophy (1994).
"Wang Yang-ming on the Unity of Knowing and Acting," paper presented at the Second Annual Tertiary Seminar on Philosophy, Humanistic Philosophy Society and Hong Kong Friends of Philosophy (1993).
"Rationality and Morality," paper presented at the First Annual Tertiary Seminar on Philosophy, Humanistic Philosophy Society and Hong Kong Friends of Philosophy (1992).