Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy [ISSN: 1540-3009 (print); 1569-7274 (electronic)] is a publication sponsored by the Association of Chinese Philosophers in America, and the Philosophy Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University. Starting from Vol. VI, Issue 1, it has been published by Springer, four times a year, in both electronic format and hard copy.
The Journal is currently indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, ATLA Religion Database, Bibliography of Asian Studies, CNKI, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, EBSCO Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), EBSCO Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCO Humanities International, EBSCO Humanities Source, EBSCO OmniFile Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCO TOC Premier, Expanded Academic, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Index, MLA International Bibliography, OCLC, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Philosophy Database, ProQuest Religion Database, ProQuest Research Library, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, The Philosopher's Index, while we are seeking it to be more widely indexed.
2023 Dao Annual Best Essay Award Winner
Thorian R. Harris, “Moral Perfection as the Counterfeit of Virtue” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2023): 43-61. Details here.
2023 SJR Journal Impact Factor Ranking
With an impact factor of 0.323, Dao ranks at 169th, in the best quartile, out of 776 philosophy journals (mostly) in English. For details, see this.