Professor, Chairman

BA (Vilnius University); MA (McMaster University); PhD (The New School for Social Research)
Rm 427

Brief Biography

My main philosophical interests lie in 19th, 20th and 21st century Continental philosophy, especially in phenomenology and hermeneutics. Over the last few years, I have aimed to advance phenomenology into areas that still remain unexplored. Most of my recent publications have been focused on issues relating to affectivity (especially such phenomena as pain), imagination (especially productive imagination), self-awareness (especially displaced self-awareness) and historicity (especially sedimentation). Methodologically, my research is grounded in the principles of classical phenomenology. I have published widely in the field.

I am the recipient of the 2020-21 Research Excellence Award at CUHK. My book, The Phenomenology of Pain, was selected as the winner of two awards: the Edward G. Ballard Prize, awarded by the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology for an outstanding book in phenomenology, and of  the Hermes Award: A Book of the Year in Phenomenological Hermeneutics, awarded by the International Institute for Hermeneutics. I am also the recipient of numerous research fellowships and grants, including the Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. On four occasions, I was also awarded the General Research Fund (GRF) grant.

Besides regularly offering courses in the history of philosophy, both ancient and modern, I also offer advanced lectures and seminars, both graduate and undergraduate, in aesthetics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of imagination. I am the recipient of the 2012-13 and 2017-18 Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award.

Research Interests

  1. Phenomenology (esp. Husserl and Heidegger)
  2. Hermeneutics (esp. Gadamer and Ricoeur)
  3. Philosophical anthropology
  4. 19th century philosophy (esp. Hegel and Nietzsche)
  5. Philosophy of Pain
  6. Philosophy of Imagination

Selected Publications

(a more extensive list of my publications is available here:


Geniusas, S. 2022. Pramanų fenomenologija: apie estetiką, vaizduotę ir savimonę (Phenomenology of Fiction: On Aesthetics, Imagination and Self-Awareness). Vilnius: Hubris.

Geniusas, S. 2022. Phenomenology of Productive Imagination: Embodiment, Language, Subjectivity. Hanover: Ibidem Press (Body and Consciousness Series).

Geniusas, S. 2021. Kas yra skausmas? Deskriptyvi psichologija, transcendentalinė fenomenologija ir natūralizmas (What is Pain? Descriptive Psychology, Transcendental Phenomenology and Naturalism, in Lithuanian). Vilnius: Phi knygos.

Geniusas, S. 2020. The Phenomenology of Pain. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press (Series in Continental Thought, No. 53).

Geniusas, S. 2012. The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Dordrecht/New York: Springer (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67).

(Co-)Edited Books

Geniusas, S. (ed.), 2023. Varieties of Self-Awareness. Dordrecht/New York: Springer (Contributions to Phenomenology series).

Geniusas, S. (ed.), 2018. Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Rowman & Littlefield.

Geniusas, S. and Nikulin, D. (eds.), 2018. Productive Imagination: Its History, Meaning and Significance. Rowman & Littlefield.

Geniusas, S. and Fairfield, P. (eds.), 2018. Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Figures and Themes. Bloomsbury. 

Fairfield, P. and Geniusas, S. (eds.), 2018. Relational Hermeneutics: Essays in Comparative Philosophy. Bloomsbury. 


Geniusas, S. 2024. “The Unconscious in Husserl’s Phenomenology.” Human Studies. Published Online first.

Geniusas, S. 2024. “The Origins of Sedimentation in Husserl’s Phenomenology.” European Journal of Philosophy, 1-17.

Geniusas, S. 2024. “From the Phenomenology of Reactivation to the Hermeneutics of Innovation: Paul Ricœur on Sedimentation as the Dialectical Counterpart of Productive Imagination.” International Journal of Social Imaginaries 3: 31-63.

Geniusas. S. 2024. “Prolegomena to a Phenomenology of Mind-Wandering.” Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, 23/2: 329-348.

Geniusas, S. 2024. “Myself as the Other: Schutz and Gurwitsch on Strangers, Refugees and Homecomers.” As a Journal 6: 6-14.

Geniusas, S. 2023. “Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Sedimentations.” Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54/2: 155-177.

Geniusas, S. 2023. “Destiny, Love and Rational Faith in Husserl’s Post World War I Ethics.” Human Studies 46: 443-465.

Geniusas, S. 2022. “War as a Phenomenological Theme: Methodological and Metaphysical Considerations.” Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology 11/1, 379-401.

Geniusas, S. 2022. “What is Immersion? Towards a Phenomenology of Virtual Reality.”  Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 53/1, 1-24.

Geniusas, S. 2022. “Modes of Self-Awareness: Perception, Dreams, Memory.” Husserl Studies 38/2: 151-170.

Geniusas, S. 2022. “Towards a Phenomenology of the Unconscious: Husserl and Fink on Versunkenheit.” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53/1, 1-23.

Geniusas, S. 2021.  “Conscious and Unconscious Phantasy and the Phenomenology of Dreams.” Research in Phenomenology 51/2, 178-199.

Geniusas, S. 2020. “‘Multiple Realities’ Revisited: James and Schutz.” Human Studies 43/4, 545-565.

Geniusas, S. 2016. “Against the Sartrean Background: Ricoeur’s Lectures on Imagination.” Research in Phenomenology 46/1, 98-116.

Geniusas, S. 2015. “Max Scheler and the Stratification of the Emotional Life.” The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. XIV: 355-377.

Geniusas, S. 2015. “Between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Imagination.” Human Studies, 38(2): 223-241.

Geniusas, S. 2014. “The Subject of Pain: Husserl’s Discovery of the Lived-Body.” Research in Phenomenology, 44(3): 384-404.

Geniusas, S. 2014. “The Origins of the Phenomenology of Pain: Brentano, Stumpf and Husserl.” Continental Philosophy Review, 47(1): 1-17.

Chapters in Anthologies

Geniusas, S. 2023. “Daydreaming and Self-Awareness.” In: Varieties of Self-Awareness: New Perspectives from Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Comparative Philosophy, ed. by Saulius Geniusas. Dordrecht/New York: Springer, 45-61.

Geniusas, S. 2021.“Grundlinien einer Phänomenologie der Versunkenheit.” In: Leben in lebendigen Fragen. Zwischen Kontinuität und Pluralität, ed. by Franziska Neufeld, Chiara Pasqualin, Anne Kirstine Rönhede, and Sihan Wu, Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 367-390.

Geniusas, S. 2020. “Horizon.” In: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, ed. by Daniele de Santis, Burt Hopkins, Claudio Majolino. London and New York: Routledge, 221-230.

Geniusas, S. 2020. “Husserl’s Concepts of Apperzeption and Weltapperzeption.” In: Die Welt und das Reale / The World and the Real / Le Monde et le reel, ed. by Karel Novotny, Cathrin Nielsen, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 13-30.

Geniusas, S. 2020. “What is Productive Imagination? The Hidden Resources of Husserl’s Phenomenology of Phantasy.” In: The Subject(s) of Phenomenology, ed. by I. Apostolescu, Dordrecht: Springer, 135-153.

Geniusas, S. 2019. “Max Scheler’s Theodicy of Suffering.” In: Scheler und das asiatische Denken im Weltalter des Ausgleichs (Scheleriana 6), ed. by Ch. Gutland, X. Yang, W. Zhang. Verlag Traugott Bautz, 257-270.

Geniusas, S. 2017. “Phenomenology of Chronic Pain: De-Personalization and Re-Personalization.” In: Meanings of Pain, ed. by Simon van Rysewyk, Dordrecht/New York: Springer, 147-164.

Geniusas, S. 2013. “The Question of Ethics in Heidegger’s Being and Time.” In: Existential Philosophy and Ethics, ed. by H. Feger and M. Hackel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 313-328.

Geniusas, S. 2010. “On Birth, Death, and Sleep in Husserl’s Late Manuscripts on Time.” In: New Contributions to Husserl’s Theory of Time-Constitution, ed. by D. Lohmar and I. Yamaguchi. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010 (Phenomenologica 197), 71-90.