WANG Qingjie 王慶節
B.A. (Nanjing); M.A. (Peking), Ph.D (Tulane)

Professor, Department of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tel: 2609 7148
Fax: 2603 5323

Brief Biography:

Research Interests:
1. Contemporary continental philosophy
2. Social and moral philosophy
3. East-West comparative philosophy

Recent/ Representative Publications:
《存在與時間》,(德)海德格著,陳嘉映、王慶節合譯,熊偉校, 北京:三聯書店,1987年,修訂本1999年(陳嘉映)
《形而上學導論》,(德)海德格著,熊偉、王慶節 譯, 北京:商務印書館,1996年。

1.         “ ‘It-self-so-ing’ and ‘Other-ing’ in Laozi’s Concept of Zi Ran”, in Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy, edited by Bo Mou, Ashgate World Philosophy Series, Ashgate, UK, 2003. pp.225 -- pp.244.
2.         “Genealogical Self and a Confucian Way of Self-making,”in International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.42, no.1, pp. 93-112, March 2002.
3.         “Heng and Temporality of Dao: Laozi and Heidegger,” in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol.1, no.1, pp.55-71. Winter 2001. Reprinted in Space, Time and Culture, ed. by David Carr and Cheung Chan-Fai, Kluwer Academic Pub. 2004, pp.201-218.
4.         “On The Dao Encounters the West – Explorations in Comparative Philosophy,” in China Review International, Spring issue, 2001, pp.157-161.
5.        “Laozi’s Heng Dao and Appropriation of Nature,”  in Asian Philosophy, vol.10, no.2, 2000, pp.149-163.
6.        “The Golden Rule and Interpersonal Care- From a Confucian Perspective,” in Philosophy  East & West, vol.49, no.4, 1999, pp.415-438.
7.        “The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents,” in Confucian Bio-ethics, ed. by Ruiping Fan, Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Ac. 1999, pp.235-256.
8.       “On Laozi’s Concept of Ziran,” in The Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 24 (1997), pp.291-321.
9.        “Heidegger and Inter-cultural Dialogue,” in Analecta Husserliana, vol.47, ed. by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Ac. 1995, pp.281-311.
10.     “Booknote on Confucianism and Human Rights,” in Ethics, no.109 (January 1999), p.477.
11.   〈道之爲物:海德格的“四方域”物論與老子的自然物論〉 載《中國學術》,劉東主編,北京:商務印書館,第15輯,2003年第三期,19-57頁。
12.   〈倫理道義的存在論根基與子女孝養父母的道德本分>,載《哲學研究》,北京:哲學研究雜誌社, 2003年10月(第10期),27-32頁。
13.   〈也談海德格“Ereignis”的中文翻譯與理解〉,載《世界哲學》,北京:哲學研究雜誌社, 2003年第4期,2-9頁。
14.   〈解釋的真與真的解釋 – 利科的文本與解釋理論初探〉,載《現象學在中國—胡塞爾〈邏輯研究〉發表100周年國際會議》,《中國現象學與哲學評論·特輯》,倪梁康,靳希平,王慶節編,上海:上海譯文出版社,2003年,262-295頁。
15.   〈知識與懷疑—當代英美哲學關於知識本性的討論探析〉,載《中國社會科學》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,第136期,2002年第三期,62-73頁。
16.    〈論海德格哲學中的社會存在論〉,載《中國現象學與哲學評論》,倪梁康編,上海:上海譯文出版社,2003年,262-295頁。