LAU Kwok-Ying 劉國英
BA (CUHK); Dip. d'études approfondies & Dr. Phil. (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne);

Professor and Programme Director of MA Programme,
Department of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Contact Details
Office: Room 425A Fung King Hey Bldg
Tel: 2609 7140


Brief Biography
            Born in Hong Kong, BA in Philosophy, CUHK (1979) and Doctor in Philosophy in University of Paris I Pathéon-Sorbonne (1993). Currently Professor in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, and Programme Director of MA in Philosophy, Division of Philosophy, CUHK, as well as Associate Director, Research Centre for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, RIH, CUHK and Associate Director, Archive for Phenomenology and Modern Philosophy, The Department of Philosophy, CUHK. Serves also as founding editor-in-chief of Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, and member of the editorial committee of The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China as well as Review of French Thought. One of the editors-in-chief of the series New Edition of LAO Sze-Kwang’s Academic Works (in 13 volumes), as well as the series LAO Sze-Kwang’s New Works (hitherto 2 volumes published), both series published by the Chinese University Press.


學術興趣 (Research Interests)
1. 現象學 (Phenomenology)
2. 當代法國哲學  (Contemporary French Philosophy)
3. 後現代哲學  (Postmodern Philosophy)
4. 康德之政治哲學及歷史哲學  (Kant's philosophy of history and politics)
5. 中國文化與現代世界困境與出路  (Chinese culture in the modern world: predicament and legacy)

近期 / 代表著作及出版 (Recent/ Representative Publications)

  1. Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives, eds. Kwok-ying LAU and John J. Drummond, series Contributions to Phenomenology (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, forthcoming 2006).
  2. 《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社,2003。
  3. 《在求真的道路上──賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶》,黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中華書局,2003。
  4. 《永久和平的倡議者 ─ 康德作品選讀》,劉國英導讀及選讀,台北:誠品書店,1999。


  1. "Intersubjectivity and Phenomenology of the Other: Merleau-Ponty's Contribution", in Space, Time, Culture, ed. David Carr and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004), pp. 135-158.
  2.  “Jan Patočka: Critical Consciousness and Non-Eurocentric Philosopher of the Phenomenological Movement”, Essay 43, in Essays in Celebration of the Founding of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations, ed. CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Ivan Chvatik, Ion Copoeru, Lester Embree, Julia Iribarne & Hans Rainer Sepp, Web-Published at, 2003, 19 pp.
  3. “Non-familiarité et autrui: l’herméneutique de l’amitié chez Derrida et ses implications politiques”, in Actes du colloque international Les Lumières et la philosophie Française contemporaine du 11 au 13 octobre 2004, Université Tongji, Shanghai, 《法蘭西思想評論》(Review of French Thought) (Shanghai: Tongji University Press),Vol. 1,2005, pp. 103-126.
  4. “Four Forms of Primordial Spatiality essential to the understanding of Architecture: a Phenomenological Sketch”, paper presented to “Space/Place: Symposium on Phenomenology and Architecture”, co-organized by the Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong,  the Department of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Research Centre for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, at Hong Kong, 26 November 2005, and published in “Space/Place: Symposium on Phenomenology and Architecture” (Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2005, pp. 20- 31.
  5. “Husserl, Buddhism and the Problematic of the Crisis of European Sciences”, paper presented to the First P.E.A.CE. (Phenomenology for East-Asian CirclE) Conference on Identity and Alterity: Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, co-organized by the Research Centre for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences and the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24-28 May 2004, to be published in Identity and Alterity: Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, eds. CHEUNG Chan-Fai, KWAN Tze-wan and LAU Kwok-ying, Collection Orbis Phaenomenologicus, 2006.
  6. “From the Act of Expression to the Madness of Seeing: A Sketch of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Pictorial Vision”, paper presented to the International conference: Phenomenology and the Human Pathos organized by the Research Centre for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Research Institute of Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 26-27 September, 2002.
  7. “To What Extent Can Phenomenology Do Justice To Chinese Philosophy? —Attempt at a Phenomenological Reading of Lao-Tzu”, paper presented to the International Conference on Phenomenology entitled Phenomenology As a Bridge Between Asia and the West organized by the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Florida Atlantic University, Delray Beach, Florida, USA, May 7-10, 2002.
  8. “Foucault and Husserl’s Logical Investigations—the unsuspected French Connection”, in “Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives”, eds. Kwok-ying LAU and John J. Drummond, series “Contributions to Phenomenology” (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, forthcoming 2006)..
  9. <解構死亡──現象學的進路及其蛻變> ,刊《凝視死亡》,梁美儀、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社,2005,頁19-38。
  10. <現象學可以還中國哲學一個公道嗎?--試讀老子>,《現象學與人文科學》, No. 2,2005,頁9-35。
  11. <一門豐饒的現象學人學:悼念保羅·利科(1913-2005) >,《現象學與人文科學》,No. 2,2005,頁417-424。
  12. <非親緣性與他者--德里達的友情詮釋論及其政治意涵>,《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第七輯,上海:上海譯文出版社, 2005 , pp . 92-110 。
  13. <超越論的自我論之批判與意識的非自我論理解--年青薩特 的 貢獻 >,《同濟大學學報。社會科學版》, No. 5, 2005, pp. 13-21 。
  14. <印象主義繪畫的現代性格與現象學意涵>,《現象學與人文科學》, No. 1, 2004, pp. 125-153.
  15. <解構就是希望--悼念雅克·德里達(1930-2004) >(“Deconstruction as Hope: Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 1, 2004, pp. 275-287.
  16. <福柯與胡塞爾的《邏輯研究》:意想不到的法國聯繫>,刊《現象學在中國:胡塞爾《邏輯研究》發表一百周年國際會議--中國現象學與哲學評論特輯》,上海:上海譯文出版社,2003,頁61-83。
  17. <勞思光先生與中國式的批判精神>,刊《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社 ,2003,頁3-28。
  18. <他者的哲學――從沈宣仁先生的人格教育實踐到解構論說的倫理意涵>,刊於《在求真的道路上──賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶》,黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中華書局,2003,頁219-239。
  19. <勞思光先生與後現代思潮>,刊於《「勞思光思想與中國哲學世界化學術研討會」論文集》,華梵大學哲學系主編(台北:行政院文化建設委員會出版,2002),頁203-218。
  20. 〈肉身、空間性與基礎存在論:海德格《存在與時間》中肉身主體的地位問題及其引起的困難〉,《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第三輯,上海:上海譯文出版社,2001,頁53-77。
  21. 〈「人是政治的動物」-從現象學觀點理解亞里士多德的「人禽之辨」〉,收《天人之際與人禽之辨-比較與多元的觀點》,《新亞學術集刊》,第十七期,2001,頁251-270。
  22. 〈超越現代、捨棄現代還是現代的再出發? ─ 李歐塔的後現代哲學〉,《社會理論學報》,第四卷,第一期,2001,頁121-146。