HUNG Wai-shun 洪維信
B.A., M.Phil., M.A. (CUHK), Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Instructor, Department of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tel: 2609 7141
Fax: 2603 5323

Brief Biography:
My research is largely focused on the notions of silence and “indirect language”, i.e., the idea that there are dimensions of human experience which are meaningful but cannot be expressed directly in language, and the idea that language can speak — or always speaks — indirectly, especially through various forms of negativity such as silences, blank spaces, denials and ellipses. In many cases, the experiences that elude direct expression are thought to be those of our bodily insertion in the world, and it is in this regard that my research touches upon questions about the body and perception. At the moment I am taking literature as the primary instance of indirect language, and the figures I work with are Merleau-Ponty, Blanchot, Mallarme, Proust and Bernard Noel. Another form of indirect language that is important to me is the language of religion. I am particularly interested in the tradition of negative theology

Research Interests:
1. Philosophy of language
2. Philosophy of perception
3. Merleau-Ponty
4. Wittgenstein
5. Late 19th-/early 20th-century European philosophy 
6. 20th-century French literature, literary theory, and their relation to philosophy

Recent/ Representative Publications:
2. “La Critique de l’intériorité chez Merleau-Ponty: une lecture de la Phénoménologie de la Perception,” Les Temps Modernes, No 599 (1998), pp. 121-142
3. “Perception and Self-Awareness in Merleau-Ponty: The Problem of the Tacit Cogito in the Phenomenology of Perception,” Phenomenology for East-Asian Circle Conference, 28/5/2004, Hong Kong
4. 〈傅柯論文學,1961-1966〉,中文大學哲學系研討會,24/6/2002
5. “Language, Poetry and Commitment in Sartre’s Mallarmé,” staff seminar, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, 21/1/2002
6. “Proust in Merleau-Ponty’s Last Lectures,” First International Conference of Phenomenology, Peking University, 16/10/2001, Beijing
7. 米歇爾‧傅柯,《外邊思維》(Michel Foucault, La Pensée du dehors) ,中譯本,附譯者導言及譯註(台北:行人出版社,2003),72 + 53 頁
8. Xi Xi, “Chronicles from the Floating City”(西西,〈浮城誌異〉), translation from Chinese to English, Venue, no. 1 (1997), pp. 59-71